Saturday, 30 April 2016


Vanakkam and warm greetings. Persatuan Amal Sigaram Manjung Perak had organized motivation programme for SPM students on 1/5/2014. Mr Ting Tai Fook and Mr Robinson  join us as a guest of honor for this event. Mr Thiruvenggadam, who famous  among students for his motivation talk, had conducted this event and delivered some important tips on how to score well in SPM. Besides that, he brief them on how to apply for public education institution after getting their result. Around 50 students had take part in this programme.


Vanakam and warm greetings. Persatuan Amal Sigaram Manjung Perak had launch it's own football academy named Sigaram Football Academy in 2014. Mr Robinson as a guest of honour launch this academy in SJKT Ladang Sungai Wangi football field. Around 25 students had enroll themselves in this academy in early stage. We target to have more than 40 students in end of 2016. Our purpose is to enrich the opportunities available for young people in the community to play football and improve the standard of play, teaching team spirit and good sportsmanship in a competitive environment. This academy is conducted by several local coach with free of charge.